Puzzle 1 - a midi beginning

So...this is my first crossword. I wouldn't say I threw it together - the genesis probably took a couple weeks to get to the point where I actually made the thing, and it took much prompting and support from others to hit the "enter a word here" phase.

I really enjoyed making this, the seed was 17A, a word I learnt recently and then quickly read/saw in about 5 other places. Perhaps you will learn it from this puzzle, and then suddenly see it elsewhere! We may never know.

There are aspects I am not happy with here - some of the crossings would definitely not pass muster elsewhere, some of the fill was not known to me until I had to put it in a slot...but otherwise, I'm happy that I made a crossword! And the clues are quite good. i think. enjoy!

n.b. there should be a puz file attached to this if you prefer to solve elsewhere, if there isn't then i have misunderstood the platform that i spent approx 5 minutes setting up

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